As a CAEP host, you will have the opportunity to work with some of the best young people from around the globe while helping Our Exchange Visitors increase their hands-on experience in the fields of agriculture. Based on your specific business needs, we will match your business with a qualified applicant that is looking for an international exchange opportunity.
Watch the video below to hear the Chef's Garden Bob Jones sharing his experience hosting CAEP J1 Visa Trainee
Watch the video below to hear Bartlett's Farm talk about their experience hosting with CAEP.
Being a CAEP host is more than just hosting an international person; it is a true cultural exchange! As a host, you will have the opportunity to share your knowledge, skills, culture, and industry with an agriculture educated young person. In turn, you will have the opportunity to learn about their culture, skills, and techniques from back home.
Other host benefits include:
- CAEP’s applicants come with relevant prior work experience
- Exchange participants are motivated and enthusiastic to learn
- Hosts make valuable international connections
- Hosts share ideas and also learn from exchange visitors
- CAEP takes care of all the logistics
Host Application Information
- The application takes about 45 minutes to complete and includes the paperwork needed for visa processing
- You can save your information at the end of each section and continue completing the application anytime
- You will first be asked to register so that you may access information on our system
- Please save your login and password, as this will be needed for all placements with CAEP

For more information on hosting a CAEP applicant, check out these topics in the hosting section of our frequently asked questions page:
Become a Host of an Exchange Visitor
What You Can Expect From CAEP?
Exchange Visitor and Host Support
What CAEP Expects From Hosts?
Training Plan Information
How CAEP Recruits Exchange Visitors
Exchange Visitor Placement Process
Accommodation Guidelines
What is the Difference Between an "Intern" and a "Trainee"?